Benefits of Pre-designed Homeschool Curriculums
1. Time: Picking out individual homeschool books for each and every subject that you want to teach is a giant time sink. It’s even worse if you aren’t really sure what you are looking for. Some parents may have a specific idea, such as wanting to use Singapore Math as their core math system. Knowing what you want helps you target your search. If you are unsure, choosing individual books can be exhausting and discouraging2. Money: With some comparison shopping, you can find some very reasonable rates on pre-assembled curriculums. Buying a bundle of homeschool books is usually cheaper than buying individual books from different programs.
Negatives of Buying Pre-designed Homeschool Curriculums
1. Lack of Customization: You may not be able to get exactly what you want. If one subject of the whole package doesn’t fit your philosophy, or is not the right material for your child, you may have to supplement the package with extra material. This can make be an extra expense.2. Difficult to Change: If after you start using the materials, and you find they are not what you expected, it can be a very big problem trying to change books mid-level. Replacing an entire curriculum can set you back loads of money, and it can set back your child’s learning.
Benefits of Buying Itemized Curriculums
1. Customization: You have the ability to design the program exactly how you want to. You can buy or create materials such as workbooks or reading books that fit your family’s beliefs, and you can make sure each book lends itself to your child’s strengths.2. Adaptability: If something is not going well, it’s easier to change directions. You are not stuck in a pre-established system, and you can alter your materials much easier.